This morning I awoke to realise that my desk was a disgrace. I was allowing myself to be engulfed by an ever growing pile of books, papers, pens, pencils, folders and portfolio work in progress. To match this state of utter chaos my computer desktop was also suffering, making it damn near impossible to find anything on my laptop anymore. So both got a spring clean today!
In a valiant attempt at procrastination I started with my laptop.
I was making good headway until, to my surprise (and delight!) I found these beautiful flower photos taken by my little sister last spring.
These photos were taken both at my parents allotments and on a walk through some nearby woods.
I love the colours!
They are so fresh and bright.
I thought to spruce up my desktop I would use the pink flower above as my background picture, so now I'll have to keep it tidy so I can keep looking at the photo!
Ok enough procrastination, I'm getting back to cleaning and working now.
Before I dash, I also found this rather cheeky one of Charlie, our family dog...